Posted by: christheplumber | April 26, 2008

1964 Radial Arm Saw.Craftsman

               I picked this thing up today, I was doing a call for a friend who had a back flow preventer to get put on, it took about  a 1/2 hr. This thing is like new, I even got the owners hand book as well. It was a one owner machine. I like old machines. . . reminds me of my buddy! I can make anything now, I also have a 1939 power Kraft lathe and a lot of new stuff to. Karen wants me to make her a Canopy bed? But here’s the good news, the young man who I got the saw from is going to help me, he does finish trim. I seen some of the things he has done and is nice might I add! I’m going to move some machines around to make room for the Radial Saw. I wiped it down it had dust on it, setting for years. Plugged it in and it came to life! It’s not beat up or nothing, all the paint is on it and tags that tell when it was built. This is cool old machine I hope to use it a lot in making things for Home. I have a few call to run in the morning and might be free to get things set up and get back to making pens.

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